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Iraq and Afghanistan Burn Pit Diseases

Researchers investigate respiratory health of deployed personnel during operations SAN ANTONIO (Feb. 19, 2015) — Military personnel who deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom, or OIF,

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2018 Military Pay Charts

2018 Military Pay Charts for Enlisted and Officers Custom Search 2018 Military Pay Charts for Enlisted and Officers The 2018 military pay increase has been

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Problems with ACCP Courses

From the Army Training Support Center Help Desk:  Updated 6 May 2011See also ACCP Course List >Frequently Asked Questions > ALMS:  None of the Certificates

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Army AR 670-1 Update

AR 670-1 Changes in FY 2014 posted 23 SEP 13 SEE Update as of 19 March 2014New rules governing things like tattoos and grooming for

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