Army Regulation 600-85, chapter 4, paragraph 4-2d states that the Army’s random
Drug Testing Program should be managed at the battalion level, with the battalion
level commander, or their designated representative, randomly selecting and testing
4–5 percent of the battalion strength each week and detailing different companies to
conduct the collection each week. This requirement has proven to be extremely
burdensome for units to execute.
Effective immediately, this requirement is rescinded. Instead, commanders at every
level will ensure random urinalysis testing at the rate of 10 percent of assigned end
strength each month. The primary method for selection should be the inspection
random (IR) drug testing code. Soldiers not selected for random urinalysis during the
first three quarters of each fiscal year will be selected for testing during the fourth
quarter using the inspection other (IO) test basis code. Commanders should not use
unit sweep testing to meet this requirement.
The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 is the proponent for the Army Substance Abuse
Program and will incorporate the provisions of this directive into the next revision of
Army Regulation 600-85. This directive will be rescinded upon publication of the
revised regulation.
Direct any questions to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1’s Army
Resiliency Directorate, Army Substance Abuse Program.
Download Army Directive 2016-15 Change in the Army’s Drug Testing Program