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Army AR 670-1 Update

AR 670-1 Changes in FY 2014 posted 23 SEP 13 SEE Update as of 19 March 2014
New rules governing things like tattoos and grooming for soldiers have been approved by the Secretary of the Army and are
only awaiting a final signature, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond Chandler said Saturday during a visit to Soldiers in Afghanistan.

Speaking to troops at bases in eastern Afghanistan, Chandler said Secretary John McHugh has approved but not yet officially
put his name to the changes to Army Regulation 670-1.

“We’re just waiting for the secretary to sign,” Chandler said during a town hall meeting with soldiers from the 4th Combat
Brigade Team, 10th Mountain Division, at Forward Operating Base Gamberi. He made similar remarks to troops at FOB Fenty
in Jalalabad.

The regulations cover things such as tattoos, grooming, and uniforms and apply only to soldiers. Other branches of the military
have their own grooming and appearance rules.

Chandler said he expects the changes to become policy in 30 to 60 days.

1. MANY changes are coming to AR 670-1. This is just a summary of some of them.

2. New revision of the regulation will define the following terms: eccentric, faddish,
conservative, inconspicuous, unsightly, hair braids/plaits.

3. AR 670-1 will be a PUNITIVE order in the new regulation.  

4. Sideburns will not extend below the top of the ear.  

5. Soldiers will be clean shaven on AND off duty (even during leave).

6. Female and Male hair grooming standards will become more restrictive and better defined

7. Females will be allowed to put their hair into a pony tail during PT.

8. Males will be prohibited from wearing cosmetics to include nail polish, females may wear
cosmetics conservatively, but can only wear nail polish in service, mess, or dress uniforms.

9. Females fingernail length will not exceed 1/4 inch, no fake nails, add-ons, or extensions will be authorized.

10. Under the new policy, new recruits will not be allowed to have tattoos that show below the elbows and knees or above the
neckline, Chandler told troops. Current soldiers may be grandfathered in, but all soldiers will still be barred from having any
tattoos that are racist, sexist or extremist.

11. Soldiers will not walk while engaged in activities that require the hand salute (eating, cell phone use, smoking, etc.).

12. ACUs will not be commercially pressed; hand ironing of the ACU only will be authorized.

13. Bags worn over the shoulder will only be black or the color print of the uniform i.e. ACU, without logos.

14. The new regulation will specify civilian clothes standards both on and off duty and both on and off post.

15. No visible body piercings on or off duty and on or off post, males will never be allowed to
wear earrings. Ear gauging will be unauthorized.

16. No dental ornamentation or gold teeth will be authorized.

17. Soldiers will be authorized to wear authorized ballistic eye wear in garrison.

18. Officers will be authorized to wear non-subdued rank on their headgear in garrison.

19. Males will be authorized to carry black umbrella with ASU.

AR 670-1 Update 8 Dec 13CSM/SGM updateNCOES Height and weight, APFT Update
Structured Self Development SSDComprehensive Soldier FitnessOther Notes