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ncoer questions and answers, what is an NCOER?

NCOER Questions and Answers

This page provides answers the most common questions about the Army’s Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report

What is an NCOER?
Raters use the DA Form 2166–8 (NCOER) to provide DA with performance and potential assessments of each rated NCO.
The DA Form 2166–8 also provides evaluation information to ensure that sound personnel management decisions can be
made and that an NCO’s potential can be fully developed.

What Army Regulation prescribes the policies for completing evaluation reports that support the Evaluation Reporting
System (ERS)?
AR 623-3

System (ERS)?
DA Pam 623-3

What does the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS) identify?
The ERS identifies officers and noncommissioned officers who are best qualified for promotion and assignments to
positions of higher responsibility. ERS also identifies Soldiers who should be kept on active duty, those who should be
retained in grade, and those who should be eliminated.

Under the ERS a Soldier is evaluated on performance and potential. In this system, what three kinds of evaluations are
1.        Duty evaluations. Either the DA Form 67–9 or DA Form 2166–8 is used for these evaluations.
2.        School evaluations. Either the DA Form 1059 and DA Form 1059–1 is used for these evaluations.
3.        DA evaluations. Selection boards and personnel management systems are used for these evaluations. Duty and
school evaluations are single time-and-place evaluations and are used to make DA evaluations. DA evaluations cover the
entire career of an officer and noncommissioned officer.

DA evaluations focus on an individual Soldier’s potential. They are judgments on their ability to perform at current and
higher grades, and they are also made to judge whether an officer or NCO should be retained and given greater
responsibility in their present grade. In making DA evaluations, what three factors are considered?

1.        Army requirements for leaders: officers and noncommissioned officers frequently change. At times, the Army has a
need for leaders with certain backgrounds, experience, and expertise. The size of the Army leader corps by law in terms of
strength by grade. Army needs limit the number of selections and assignments that can be made. Thus, a leader’s
potential is partially determined by how they compare with their peers.
2.        Duty performance. Performance of duty is an extremely important factor in determining a leader’s potential. Duty
performance is judged by how well a Soldier performs their assigned tasks and how well they meet Army professional
values uniquely established for each respective corps.
3.        Leader qualifications. It must be considered in order to meet Army needs for outstanding leaders of troop or
technical units, supporting staff managers, and technical specialists. One consideration in determining qualifications is the
different skills and backgrounds required by different specialties. Another consideration is a Soldier’s individual progress
through specialist fields to positions of greater responsibility. In addition, their length of service, civil schooling, military
schooling, or other unique skills required by the Army are considered.

What is the basic strucure of the ERS?
•        Allows the rater to give shape and direction to the rated officer or noncommissioned officer’s performance.
•        Provides a chain-of-command evaluation of a Soldier’s performance and potential.
•        Allows the entire evaluation reporting process to be reviewed.

What is the ERS Process designed to do?
•        Set objectives for the rated Soldier that supports the organization’s overall achievement of the mission.
•        Review the rated Soldier’s objectives, special duties, assigned tasks, or special areas of emphasis and update them
to meet current needs.
•        Promote performance-related counseling to develop subordinates and better accomplish the organization’s mission.
•        Evaluate the rated leader’s performance.
•        Assess the rated leader’s potential.
•        Ensure a review of the entire process.
•        Noncommissioned officer’s organizational rating chain use DA Form 2166–8; and DA Form 2166–8–1.

What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?
•        Rated NCO
•        Rater
•        Senior Rater
•        Reviewer

Can an NCO that is on a recommended list for promotion or frocked to one of the top three NCO grades (first sergeant
(1SG), SGM, or CSM) and is serving in an authorized position for the new grade, rate any NCO under their supervision, if
after the rater’s promotion he/she will be senior in pay grade or date of rank to the rated NCO?

How many types of NCOERs are there?
There are 7:
1.        Annual
2.        Change of Rater
3.        Relief for Cause
4.        Complete the Record
5.        60 Day Rater Option
6.        60 Day Senior Rater Option
7.        Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment

What is the minimum period of time for rater qualification?
3 Rated Months

What is the minimum period of time for senior rater qualifications?
2 months

When will a member of an allied force meet senior rater qualifications?

What form is used for the NCO Counseling/Checklist Record?
DA Form 2166-8-1

What are some of the uses of an NCOER?
The information in evaluation reports, the Army’s needs, and the individual Soldier’s qualifications will be used together as
a basis for such personnel actions as school selection, promotion, assignment, military occupational specialty (MOS)
classification, command sergeant major (CSM) designation, and qualitative management.

What is a rating scheme?
A rating scheme is the published rating chain of the NCO’s rating officials (rater, senior rater, and reviewer).

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