Army MOS 68E Dental NCOER Bullets Dental PCS Awards >This page provides a variety of NCOER bullets that pertain to Dental NCOs and their duties. Not all inclusive only
intended to give you ideas. A list of Dental NCO duty descriptions can be found here >
- developed a dental liaison program for supported units which resulted in increase of dental readiness from
92% to 98%
- performed duties in the SFC position in an outstanding manner with a high degree of competence and
- selected over three NCOs to serve as the NCOIC of the Hospital Dental Clinic
- successfully completed 4 semester hours of college toward a Bachelor Degree
- achieved Dental Assisting National Board Certification
- coined by MEDCOM Sergeant Major for job well done as EFMB Instructor
- planned and executed a $85,000 equipment replacement project with no negative impact on clinic mission
- completed the Advanced Leader Course with a 95% academic average
- selected as the DENTAC NCO of the quarter
- completed 35 hours of military correspondence during rated period
- commended by the DENCOM commander for outstanding planning and execution of the NARDC change of
command ceremony
- selected by the WRDC Sergeant Major to be the regional operations NCO
- commended for zero deficiencies during the DENTAC CIP and SAV inspections
Physical Fitness and Military Bearing