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CY2018 FBI National Academy (FBINA) Selection Panel

CY2018 FBI National Academy (FBINA) Selection Panel

1. This message will expire on 1 March 2018.

2. Program description: The FBI National Academy (FBINA) is a professional course of
study that serves to improve the administration of justice in police departments and
agencies at home and abroad. The academy also seeks to raise law enforcement
standards, knowledge, and cooperation worldwide through instruction in law enforcement
and related subjects including: law, behavioral science, forensic science, understanding
terrorism/ terrorism mindsets, leadership development, communication, health and fitness.

3. Selection process: The FBINA selection panel will nominate four primary attendees and
10 alternates which are distributed among two distinct groups:

(1) Military Police branch commissioned officers.

(2) United States Army Criminal Investigation Division Command (USACIDC) criminal

Representatives from HRC, the MP Corps and USACIDC will form the nomination panel.  
MP Branch does not vote on the panel. MP branch will convene a panel from 22- 23 May
2017 to select nominees for the CY18 training program. HRC will contact the respective
unit commanders of each selectee after the panel results have been approved. Once the
unit commanders have validated the continued eligibility of nominated personnel, all
primary and alternate nominees will receive an official letter of notification in June 2017
that they have been recommended to attend the FBINA. Final acceptance of the nominee
rests with the FBI, who will review nomination files, conduct personal interviews and
require favorable background checks. The FBI reserves the right to approve or
disapprove all nominations.

4. Program tenure/location: This program is approximately 10 weeks long. Candidates will
attend the FBINA at Quantico, Virginia on TDY status. Travel will be funded by the
candidate’s unit or organization and room and board will be funded by the FBINA.
The FBINA has announced the following class sessions for CY18:

271th Session:  08 January 2018 – 16 March 2018.

272th Session:  02 April 2018 – 08 June 2018.

273rd Session:  09 July 2018 – 14 September 2018.

274th Session:  01 October 2018 – 14 December 2018.

5. Obligations incurred:  Candidates will incur a three for one active duty service obligation
(ADSO), computed in days, for every day in the program.

6. Prerequisites:  

a. Must be an active duty Officer, Warrant Officer or Non-Commissioned Officer in the
following categories:

(1) Military Police Captain or Non-Promotable Major (31A).

(2) USACIDC Personnel.

(a) Special Agent (MOS 311A) Warrant Officer, CW2-CW4.

(b) Special Agent (MOS 31D), SFC-SGM.

b.  Be at least 25 years of age, and not more than 50.

Download MILPER Message 17-032 for all of the details >>>