Medical Ethics and Detainee Operations
1. Go to
2. Select “Enter JKO” and Login as prompted.
3. Select “Take Courses” at the top right (purple rectangular button).
4. Edit your personal information and select the “Submit” button at the bottom right of the page.
5. From the black bar menu at the top of the page, select “Enrollment” and scroll down to “Browse
6. Select the “J4O” tab.
7. Find the courses in the list and enroll.
a. J40P-US184, Basic Medical Ethics and Detainee Health care Operation Course Section – Required
for all medical personnel.
b. J40P-US176, Advanced Medical Ethics and Detainee Health care Operations Course Section 001 –
Additional course required for all medical personnel prior to deployment.
8. Click on the course link and select the “Click Here” option that provides you with course credit.
9. Read and carefully follow the instructions to ensure you receive credit.
10. Click the blue “Start” button at the top of the page.
11. Allow enough time for each module to load before proceeding.