1. References: Army Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms
and Insignia, 10 April 2015 and Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA PAM)
670-1, Guide to the Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia, 1
July 2015.
2. Effective immediately, female Soldiers are authorized to wear either the blue
Army skirt or the blue Army slacks with the Army Service Uniform during social
functions. This change allows female Soldiers an additional clothing option while
attending Social Functions.
3. This authorization serves as an exception to AR 670-1, paragraph 14-2b(3)
and DA Pam 670-1, paragraph 14-17(4)d and is rescinded upon publication of
the revised AR 670-1 and DA Pam 670-1.
4. Point of contact for this action is SGM Anthony J. Moore, Uniform Policy Branch
at Anthony.j.moore12.mil@mail.mil or (703) 695-5473.
Download the Official Memorandum – See Also Changes for Badges on the ACU