Milper Message Number 17-116
1. This message will expire on 31 Mar 18.
2. References D through H direct changes to the Noncommissioned Officer
Professional Development System (NCOPDS).
a. The Noncommissioned Officer Education System (NCOES) Basic, Advanced,
Senior and Sergeant Majors Courses have been augmented with the addition of the
Master Leaders Course (MLC) and Executive Leaders Course (ELC).
b. Effective immediately, the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development
Ribbon (NCOPDR) is changed to include MLC and ELC, with corresponding
numeral devices 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to denote the satisfactory completion of the
respective NCOES courses.
3. Reference A, Table 5-1 is revised as follows:
Table 5–1
Noncommissioned Officer Education System creditable courses for award of the
Noncommissioned Officer’s Professional Development Ribbon and devices
——- Download MILPER Message 17-116 for more information ——-