Daniel Dailey sends a message about
the changes to the NCOER system Additional Information
U.S. Army Human Resources
Command, or HRC, will train a cadre of
Soldiers, April 13-24, and dispatch
them across the Army to spearhead the
implementation of a new
Non-commissioned Officer Evaluation
Report, or NCOER, system scheduled
for roll-out this autumn.

Richard P. Mustion. It will be the first overhaul of the rating system in more than two decades, he said.
The changes to the evaluation system will enable leaders to more clearly assess and identify the Army’s
best talent by eliminating inflation in the rating process and encouraging self-improvement, Mustion said.
The goals behind the changes are to meet the chief of staff of the Army’s strategic priority to develop
adaptive Army leaders for a complex world, he said.
HRC will implement the NCOER by ensuring mastery of its use across the Army and conduct pilot
testing to refine the new system before its launch. Key objectives are teaching Soldiers to understand
the three new NCOER forms and to master additions to the entry evaluation system, or EES, that will
capture the changes.
“The first phase of training will occur on Fort Knox, where the HRC Evaluations Branch will train and
certify 44 personnel who will serve as mobile training team, or MTT, members,” said Sgt. Maj. Stephen
McDermid of HRC Evaluations Branch. The MTTs will be drawn from all three components: Active Army,
National Guard and Reserve.