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2012 Army CSM/SGM Nominative Program Update

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2nd Quarter Sergeant Major of the Army Board of Directors Meeting

Nominative CSM/SGM Program Process Update

Upcoming changes to the CSM/SGM Nominative Program Process as discussed in the 2nd
Quarter SMA Board of Directors Meeting

1. Prior to competing for a Nominative position, EFMP will be up to date or packet will not be

2. If a CSM/SGM is under investigation {15-6, EO, IG, etc), that CSM will not be eligible to
compete for nominative positions until the investigation is complete.

3. Open slate reports will ONLY be distributed to the SMAs BOD, no further sub-distribution is

4. PCORD dates will be assigned to all Nominative CSM positions, tour lengths will be: 1-2
star- 24 months with an option of 36 by formal requet from the Commander through the SMAs
office, 3-4 star positions will be 36 months.

5. CSM/SGMs need to remain consistent with retirement decisions. There have been too
many requests for extensions/exceptions to policy. SMA will not support extensions on
retirements generated from declining CSL or refusing to PCS/move from a position.

6. Future nomination candidates will be screened for compliance on their unit’s SSD
completion, NCOES backlog, HT/WT program and statistics and APFT. SMA will make
decisions based upon this information on whether the candidate will be eligible to compete for
nominative positions in the future.

***** As an added note, I will discuss the future Nominative BOARD that will be held in the
near future for 1 and 2 star billets…..

NCOER UpdateNCOES Height and weight, APFT Update
Structured Self Development SSDAR 670-1 update
Comprehensive Soldier FitnessOther Notes