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2012 Army SMA Notes

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2nd Quarter Sergeant Major of the Army Board of Directors Meeting


1. There will not be another SMA Nominative conference during the tenure of the present
SMA—No justification***

2. The APRT is still in the evaluation phase. Has gone back to the 3 event APRT but will have
modifications ****

3. The SMA’s TOP 4 focuses are: APFT stats; Height and Weight stats; NCOES Development
(backlog); and SSD program (ensuring compliance). He feels that these should be measures for
1SGs and SGMs/CSMs….

4. The compensation packages for the military are being looked at (scrutinized). i.e. less than
20% of Post GI Bill benefit is being used— DANGER of it going away; TA is being looked at
for reduction—it’s a benefit of the services not an entitlement.

5. AR 600-9—- Will talk about at MHS****

CSM/SGM updateNCOES Height and weight, APFT Update
Structured Self Development SSDAR 670-1 update
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness