MILPER message number 11-145
update to the assignment incentive pay (AIP) program for Korea Issued: 16 may 11
A. MILPER message number 09-127, ahrc-epo-p, subject: assignment incentive pay (aip) program for Korea.
B. MILPER message number 09-040, ahrc-epo-p, subject: Korea tour normalization, issued on 3 mar 09.
C. Alaract 102/2009 subject: assignment incentive pay (AIP) for assignment to Korea, dtg 102024z Apr 09.
1. This message expires NLT 1 jun 2013. However, the aip program will remain in effect until program is terminated.
2. This message supersedes references a and provides guidance regarding the application process for Korea assignment incentive pay
(aip) and payment of aip for Korea assignments as specified below. This message applies to all officers, warrant officers, and enlisted
soldiers eligible for AIP-Korea.
3. The guidance contained in this message is an exception to the submission time lines and approval authority for extensions and
curtailments as it applies to aip contained in AR 614-30.
4. The AIP program provides incentives for soldiers on assignment to Korea to request extension of their accompanied or unaccompanied
tours, and encourages soldiers already assigned to Korea to volunteer to extend their current Korea tours. AIP further promotes
predictability for soldiers and families, and improved readiness in Korea while reducing turbulence throughout the army.
5. Effective 6 Apr 09, the principal deputy under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness (pdusd(p&r)) approved the aip program
for Korea and authorized the payment of aip.
6. Korea tour length options and aip eligibility:
a. Soldiers may apply for an extension up to 180 days prior to DEROS or until assignment instructions (ai) are issued, if more than
180 days before DEROS.
b. Soldiers who are approved for an extension will be paid AIP of $300 per month upon arrival to Korea and approval of the AIP
c. Soldiers who are within 180 days of their DEROS or placed on ai, whichever comes first are ineligible for AIP.
7. Policy and processing procedures: in order to qualify for AIP under this program, soldiers must include the following statements as part of
their AIP contract: a. I volunteer to extend my overseas assignment in Korea for 12 months from my current date eligible to return from
overseas (DEROS), and i agree to accept aip of $300 per month for each month i serve in this assignment under this aip agreement. B. I
understand that all aip received will be recouped upon soldier initiated termination of aip contract, or upon a soldier’s awol or confinement
status prior to completion of assignment. Curtailment of the soldier’s aip tour, whether hrc-initiated or otherwise, which is not due to the fault
of the soldier, will result in termination of aip, but not recoupment. C. I understand that this assignment is subject to the availability of support
infrastructure and command sponsorship allocations.
8. Aip payment: a. Soldiers serving a 24 month accompanied tour or 12 month unaccompanied tour and elect to do a 12 month aip
extension (total 36 or 24 months) to pyeongtaek, osan, daegu, or Seoul, Korea will be paid aip of $300 per month upon execution of the aip
contract. Soldiers serving a 24-month accompanied tour are not eligible for aip payment without an additional 12 month extension equaling
36 months.
b. Soldiers serving a 24 month accompanied tour (dependents must reside in area i) or an initial 12 month unaccompanied tour and a 12
month extension (total 24 months) to uijeongbu or dongducheon, Korea will be paid aip of $300 per month upon execution of the aip
contract. Soldiers who reside in area i, who are serving a 24 month accompanied tour, and whose dependents reside in area ii must extend
for a 36 month tour to qualify for aip incentive.
c. Soldiers on assignment to any location in Korea and those assigned to Korea who request and are approved for a 12 month extension of
their initial tour will be paid aip of $300 per month upon execution of the aip contract.
d. Soldiers serving in central selection list (csl) billets are not eligible for aip during the period of assignment to the key billet.
9. Korea responsibilities: (1) soldiers on assignment to Korea: upon arrival in Korea, all soldiers will be counseled on the AIP program.
Soldiers who desire to volunteer for AIP will sign a DA form 4187. After the soldier initially submits their signed DA form 4187, the unit s1 will
update aea code “f” (intent to aip) and upon final approval, the Unit s1 will update aea code “z” (confirm aip). The aea termination date for
soldiers who commit for aip will be equal to the soldier’s extended DEROS, and will remain on the total army personnel database (tapdb)
until the soldier departs Korea. (2) a copy of the DA form 4187 will be provided to the military personnel division (MPD) to be retained by the
soldier’s unit of assignment, and one copy will be provided to the servicing finance office for processing of payment.
10. Tour length limitations: soldiers without previous operational deployment to oif/oef since September 2001 are allowed one 12-month tour
11. Approval authority: a. Approval authority (fully qualified requests): the commanding general, eighth army, is the approval authority for
fully qualified aip requests. This authority has been delegated to command level (O6 level) authority within eighth army, the commander
special troops battalion Korea, and approval authorities outlined in paragraph b. Fully qualified soldiers are defined as those not meeting
any of the criteria for exceptions to policy outlined in paragraph c below.
B. Approval authority for stovepipe units is determined by each respective stovepipe headquarters. These commands (and their points of
contact) are as follows:
(1) criminal investigation command (cidc): mrs scott, chief, military personnel strength management, acofs g-1, cidc (dsn 656-0347), louisa.
(2) installation management agency (imcom): mr. Diaz, chief, military personnel manning, mpd imcom (dsn 332-7443), luis.R.Diaz@hqda.
(3) intelligence and security command (inscom): ms. Daigle, acofs g-1, inscom (dsn 328-4663), cynthia.Daigle@inscom.Army.Mil.
(4) medical command (medcom): mr. Bean, acofs, g-1, medcom (dsn 471-8802/7820), richmond.C.Bean@us.Army.Mil
(5) network enterprise technology command (netcom): ms. Ferguson, chief, strength management branch, acofs g-1, netcom (dsn 879-
(6) special operations command: mr. Brown, chief, enlisted management division, socom (dsn 239-8227/8333), brownj@soc.Mil. C. Approval
authority (exceptions to policy):
hrc retains aip approval for exceptions to policy when any one of the following apply:
(1) the soldier is within 180 days of DEROS.
(2) the soldier is in receipt of ai or has been notified of pending ai by hrc.
(3) the requested DEROS would result in the soldier serving in excess of four consecutive years in Korea.
(4) the soldier requesting aip beyond the one time 12-month extension is without an operational deployment to oif/oef since September
2001. D. Hrc opmd (ahrc-opf-c) retains approval authority for foreign area officers (fao).
12. Enlisted soldiers approved for participation in the aip program will be eligible to attend ncoes courses (tdy and return) based on the
availability of school seats and Korea theater of operations operational requirements. Aip soldiers who attend ncoes (tdy and return) will
complete the ncoes course and return to Korea, and must have at least 6 months retainability in country prior to DEROS.
13. Curtailment of an aip-korea tour will only be considered as exceptions to policy in extraordinary cases. Any soldier-, command-, or hrc-
initiated curtailment requires coordination with eighth g1/ag for soldiers in eighth army/unc/cfc/usfk, or the respective stovepipe
headquarters for soldiers in stovepipe units. Hrc is the approval authority for all curtailments of aip tours. Overseas army command/army
service component command/direct reporting unit (ac/ascc/dru) retains curtailment authority for exceptional cases outlined in ar 614-30,
table 2-1.
14. Consequences of voluntary or involuntary termination of contract: a. All aip will be recouped upon soldier initiated termination of aip
contract, or upon a soldier’s awol or confinement status prior to completion of assignment. Curtailment of the soldier’s aip tour, whether hrc-
initiated or otherwise, which is not due to the fault of the soldier, will result in termination of aip, but not recoupment. B. Soldiers who serve
on a temporary duty assignment, to include tcs of less than 12 months (voluntary/involuntary), away from Korea will continue to receive aip.
Soldiers who volunteer for a 12-month or greater tcs in a combat zone will have their aip stopped upon departure from Korea.
15. Ineligibility for concurrent special pays: soldiers eligible for aip-korea may not enter into overseas tour extension incentive program
(oteip) at the same period of service, or be eligible for cot/ ipcot entitlements for the same period of service.
16. Aip impact on entitlements: hardship duty pay and other entitlements paid to soldiers upon assignment to Korea will not be impacted by
17. The poc for this message and enlisted soldiers is ms. Kathryn gay, kathryn.Gay@us.Army.Mil, (502)613-5060 (dsn 983). The point of
contact for officers/ warrant officers is mr. Oscar garcia, hrc.Opmd.Hq@conus.Army.Mil, (502) 613-6388 (dsn 983).