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military news, army doctor lost his mind, ltc terry lakin, traitor

Army Doctor lost his mind

U.S. Army Doctor, LTC Terry Lakin is pending a court martial for refusing to deploy to
Afghanistan because he believes that president Barrack Obama is not a real U.S. Citizen
and therefore he does not have to take orders from him. LTC Lakin put out a youtube video
in which he explains his reasons for disobeying his orders to deploy and fulfill his duty as a
Soldier. My question is, what the hell is wrong with this guy? And how has he managed stay
on active military service for 18 years? I bet that this is not the first time that this guy has
come up with some crazy talk like this and it goes to show how the military system is broke
when it comes to getting rid of all the crazies and people that have no place in the armed
forces. I can guarantee that no one has forgotten another great American military doctor by
the name of Major Nidal Malik Hassan, you know, the nut job that killed 13 Soldiers and
wounded 32 at Fort Hood, TX last year. Hassan also went on talking nonsense and publicly
objecting to the war for years without being reprimanded or kicked out of the Army. Lakin is
being helped by a group called the American patriot foundation and why they are helping
this guy is beyond my understanding plus his lawyer seems to be just as crazy as lakin, if
anyone watched the interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN then you know what I mean.
