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The new blue Army Service Uniform ASU, AR 670-1, new army dress blues

The New Army Service Uniform (ASU) See the new ALARACT Message 16 MAR 11The Army announced guidance and transition strategy to the new blue Army Service Uniform (ASU). The
announcement defined the wear policies for the ASU during the transition period.
The Policy changes reflect the input of hundreds of thousands of soldiers from across the service.

The wear policy for the blue ASU gives soldiers what they have asked for in a service uniform while maintaining the
traditions of service. These changes include authorization of a Combat Service Identification Badge (CSIB) to
recognize combat service, overseas service bars authorized on the jacket sleeve for both enlisted soldiers and
officers, the wear of distinctive unit insignia on the shoulder loops of the blue coat for enlisted soldiers, authorizing
paratroopers to wear the black jump boots with the blue ASU, and the decision to transition to a new short sleeve and
long sleeve white shirt with shoulder loops to honor the heritage and traditions of combat service, the CSIB is
authorized for wear on the ASU and replicates wear of the shoulder sleeve insignia-former wartime service
(SSI-FWTS) patch. The subdued SSI-FWTS patch continues to serve as the principal insignia for wear on the army
combat uniform (SCU).

The army currently has three service uniforms; green, blue, and white. Enlisted soldiers receive the green service
uniform as part of their basic clothing bag issue when they enter the army during initial entry training. The army further
provides active duty enlisted soldiers an annual clothing allowance to maintain proper fit and appearance of their basic
clothing bag issue items. The army will phase out the green and white service uniforms and retain the blue service
uniform. Soldiers who currently have a blue service uniform can immediately begin wearing it as their ASU.

The new army ASU will include a new coat and low waist trousers for male soldiers; and a new coat, slacks and skirt
for female soldiers. The new fabric for the ASU is heavier and wrinkle resistant over previously manufactured uniforms
and will consist of 55% wool and 45% polyester material. The new ASU coat will have a tailored, athletic cut, to
improve uniform fit and appearance.

The ASU will include a new improved heavier and wrinkle resistant short and long-sleeved white shirt with permanent
military creases and shoulder loops. The leader’s identification insignia (green tab) is not authorized to be worn on the
ASU. The new ASU items are already available for purchase in most military clothing sales stores.

The army will place the new ASU items in the soldier’s clothing bag for initial entry soldiers in 4th quarter, FY 2010.
The mandatory possession date for the new ASU items is 4th quarter, FY 2014. The leader’s identification insignia
(green tab) is not authorized to be worn on the ASU. The specifics of the new uniform will be published in the new AR
670-1 which is due out sometime in 2011.

Beginning in 4th quarter FY 2009, soldiers have the option to take their official DA photo in the ASU. This is strictly
optional on the Soldiers part. Soldiers can still continue to take their DA photo in the army green service uniform until
the mandatory possession date of 4th quarter FY 2014.

How to wear the black beret >How to Shape your Beret >Click here to get all of the details of the new policy