Army Retention Initiatives, Army Directive 2012-13

Army Directive 2012-03 Army Retention Initiatives as of 2 Feb 2012

1. As the Army faces significant force reductions, it is imperative that we retain the highest quality Soldiers to preserve
the high quality of the All Volunteer Force, meet mandated end strength levels, and support Army force structure
requirements. We will use the drawdown as an opportunity to shape our Army by ensuring that we retain only our very
best Soldiers. Commanders in the field must be empowered to reenlist those Soldiers with the right grades and skills to
meet Army requirements.

2. Beginning 1 March 2012, brigade/O-6 level commanders and above will be given specific reenlistment objectives, as
determined by the Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, and will ensure that only the best qualified Soldiers of those eligible
are reenlisted. Brigade/O-6 level commanders and above will deny reenlistment to those Soldiers not deemed best
qualified according to implementing guidance the Army Deputy Chief of Staff
, G-1 will publish,

3. Soldiers who are not qualified for reenlistment or who have an imposed bar to reenlistment do not meet retention
eligibility standards and will not be offered the privilege of reenlisting. The reenlistment qualifications for all Soldiers
outlined in AR 601-280, paragraphs 3-8 and 3-9 continue to apply. It is key that we retain high quality Soldiers who have
the most potential. Commanders will have available the following tools to help shape our Army:

a. In addition to the reenlistment qualifications in AR 601-280 (Army Retention Program), paragraphs 3-8 and 3-9,
Soldiers in the grade of staff sergeant and above not serving on an indefinite reenlistment contract will be considered
unqualified for reenlistment if their Official Military Personnel File contains one of the following:

• Relief-for-Cause Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) (DA Form 2166-8),
• “No” listed in Part IV (Army Values/Attributes/Skills/Actions) of an NCOER,  a senior rater rating of 4 (fair) or 5 (poor) in
Part V – Overall Performance and Potential of an NCOER, or Service School Academic Evaluation Report (
DA Form 1059)
indicating a failure in an NCO Education System course.

Requests for waiver will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be submitted through command channels to the
Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command.

b. In addition to the reasons in AR 601-280, paragraph 8-4e, commanders will initiate a bar to reenlistment against
Soldiers for the following reasons:

loss of primary military occupational specialty qualification due to fault of the Soldier; Soldier denied
Command List Integration for promotion by unit commander;

▪ an incident involving the use of illegal drugs or alcohol within the current enlistment/reenlistment period resulting in an
officially filed letter of reprimand, a finding of guilty under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice; a civilian
criminal conviction; or a conviction by court-martial;

▪ two or more separate proceedings under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice resulting in a finding of guilty by a
field grade commander during the Soldier’s current enlistment or period of service; and

• Soldier absent without leave more than 96 hours during the current enlistment/reenlistment period.

4. The provisions of this directive are effective 1 March 2012.

5. The Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 is the proponent for these policies and will incorporate the provisions of this
directive into the next revision of AR 601-280.

6. This directive is rescinded upon publication of the revised regulation.

See also Army QMP