The Army Medical Command’s A-team
U.S. Army Medical Department AMEDD has had a rough couple of years with it’s
Soldiers being involved in high profile cases that the media loves to cover. AMEDD
Soldiers have been charged with everything from fraud to murder which is pretty
difficult for most people to understand considering that these men are Soldiers and
well educated people with diverse backgrounds, one was a Psychiatrist WTF. The
first member of the A-team is LTC Terry Lakin, he is pending a court martial for
refusing to deploy to Afghanistan because he believes that president Barrack
Obama is not a real U.S. Citizen and therefore he does not have to take orders from
him. LTC Lakin put out a youtube video in which he explains his reasons for
disobeying his orders to deploy and fulfill his duty as a Soldier. My question is, what
the hell is wrong with this guy? And how has he managed stay on active military
service for 18 years? I bet that this is not the first time that this guy has come up with
some crazy talk like this and it goes to show how the military system is broke when it
comes to getting rid of all the crazies and people that have no place in the armed
forces. I can guarantee that no one has forgotten another great American military
doctor by the name of Major Nidal Malik Hassan, you know, the nut job that killed
13 Soldiers and wounded 32 at Fort Hood, TX last year. Hassan also went on talking
nonsense and publicly objecting to the war for years without being reprimanded or
kicked out of the Army. CSM Stoney Crump is also pending a court martial and is
the latest addition to the A-team, this guy faked his service record and claimed to be
a modern day Audey Murphy with achievements such as Serving in Combat during
the invasion of Panama, Jump Master, Special Forces Medic School, Sniper School,
Panama Jungle Warfare training and a very long list of medals and training which is
usually only available to Special Forces Personnel. Crump even claimed to be a first
string football player for a top ranked university. Crump had no shame claiming the
awards even though he worked for COL Gordon R. Roberts who is a real hero and
the only Medal of Honor recipient still on active duty. Service members across the
services make wrong decisions on a daily basis but these three have managed to
make the evening news and front pages of the news papers bringing shame and
dishonor on themselves and the Army and I hope that they get what they deserve
and not just a slap on the wrist