SUMMARY of CHANGE for AR 601–280 Army Retention Program
This major revision, dated 1 April 2016-
A Soldier may not exceed the retention control points as shown in table 3–1 by more
than 1 month before expiration of contracted service (reenlistment or extension).
Table 3–1 Retention control points
Rank ——————————————– Total active service in years
Private through private first class 5
Corporal/specialist 8
Corporal/specialist (promotable) 8
Sergeant 14
Sergeant (promotable) 14
Staff sergeant 20
Staff sergeant (promotable) 20
Sergeant first class 26
Sergeant first class (promotable) 26
First sergeant/master sergeant 29
First sergeant/master sergeant (promotable) 32
Command sergeant major/sergeant major 32
1. Active service is defined as service on active duty.
2. Soldiers assigned to Special Bands (The U.S. Army Band, The U.S. Army Field
Band, West Point Band, and the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps) may serve up to the
retention control point for their rank as stated in this policy.
3. Command sergeants major (CSMs) and sergeants major (SGMs) (at HQDA and
ACOMs) serving in nominative positions where the CSM/SGM is rated by a general
officer, member of the Senior Executive Service or equivalent; or serving as CSM at
the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy or as Executive Officer to the Sergeant Major
of the Army are authorized to serve past 32 years for assignment purposes. The
maximum authorized time for these Soldiers is up to 35 years total active service.
4. Promotable only refers to RA and USAR. There is no “promotable” status in the
Army National Guard (ARNG) AGR Title 10 Program. ARNG AGR Title 10 Enlisted
Soldiers’ retention control point is established at the “nonpromotable” grade.
5. The retention control point for Soldiers classified in reporting code 09U is 9 months
from the effective date of classification.
Download Army Regulation 601-280 Army Retention Control Program