Army Directive 2012-20
Physical Fitness and Height and Weight Requirements for Professional Military Education
1. This directive revises Army policy for the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) and height and weight standards
for Soldiers to attend Professional Military Education (PME) in Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 (Army Training and
Leader Development). A complete list of references is at the enclosure.
2. This policy is effective 1 November 2012 and applies to the following PME schools and courses: Senior Service
College, Sergeants Major Academy, Joint Special Operation Forces Senior Enlisted Academy, Captains Career
Course, Intermediate Level Education, Warrant Officer Advance Course, Warrant Officer Staff Course, Warrant
Officer Senior Staff Course, Advanced Leaders Course, Senior Leaders Course, and Warrior Leader Course.
a. Soldiers who are flagged for failure to pass the APFT or comply with Army height and weight standards are not
eligible for selection, scheduling or attendance at the PME schools and courses listed in paragraph 2. Any Soldier
who is flagged becomes eligible for scheduling and attendance at the PME schools and courses once the flag is
b. Successful completion of the APFT and height and weight screening are mandatory for course graduation.
Soldiers attending the identified PME schools and courses will be administered an initial APFT and height and
weight screening. For PME courses with multiple phases, the initial APFT and height and weight screening will be
administered during the first phase of the resident course. One APFT retest and/or height and weight screening is
allowed and will be administered no earlier than 7 and no later than 24 days after the initial failure of the APFT
and/or height and weight screening. Soldiers who subsequently fail to meet physical fitness and/or height and
weight standards will be removed from the course.
3. The DA Form 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report) of Soldiers who fail to pass the APFT and/or
meet height and weight standards will be annotated in block 11d “Failed to Achieve Course Standards.” Soldiers
who fail to achieve course standards are not eligible to enroll in any PME courses for 6 months after their
dismissal. The 6-month waiting period begins on the day after the DA Form 1059 is signed.
Soldiers who fail to pass the APFT and/or meet height and weight standards a second time are not eligible to
enroll in any PME courses for 1 year after the second failure. School commandants and commanders will take the
following actions for Soldiers who fail to meet APFT and/or height and weight standards:
a. Active Army Soldiers
(1) Soldiers in a temporary duty (TDY) and return status will be returned to their unit of assignment. School
commandants and commanders will send a memorandum to the first general officer in the Soldier’s chain of
command stating the Soldier’s deficiencies and that he/she failed to achieve course standards. The unit
commander will initiate appropriate actions, to include flagging in accordance with (lAW) AR 600-8-2 (Suspension
of Favorable Personnel Actions (Flags)), changing the immediate
reenlistment prohibition code as appropriate and/or initiating a bar to reenlistment.
(2) Soldiers in a TDY en route status will be attached to the gaining installation pending clarification of assignment
instructions for their follow-on assignment. The school commandant or commander will notify U.S. Army Human
Resources Command (AHRC) of the Soldier’s ineligibility for training and request clarification of assignment
instructions. Upon receipt of assignment instructions, the school commandant or commander will send a
memorandum to the first general officer in the Soldier’s chain of command at the gaining installation stating the
Soldier’s deficiencies and that he/she failed to achieve course standards. Upon the Soldier’s arrival at the gaining
installation, the unit commander will initiate appropriate actions, to include flagging IAW AR 600-8-2, changing the
immediate reenlistment prohibition code as appropriate and/or initiating a bar to reenlistment.
(3) Soldiers in a permanent change of station (PCS) status will be attached to the gaining installation pending
clarification of assignment instructions. The school commandant or commander will notify AHRC of the Soldier’s
ineligibility for training and request assignment instructions. The school commandant or commander will initiate
appropriate actions, to include flagging JAW AR 600-8-2, changing the immediate reenlistment prohibition code as
appropriate and/or initiating a bar to reenlistment.
b. Army National Guard
(1) Title 32 Man Day (M-Day) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers in a TDY and return status will return to
their home unit. School commandants and commanders will send a memorandum to the State Adjutant General in
the Soldier’s chain of command stating the Soldier’s deficiencies and that he/she failed to achieve course
standards. There is a lot more, See the complete document here > See also MILPER Message 12-309