Changes to the Army Combat Uniform Begin 14 June 2011
Download the Army Directive as PDF
Here is Army Directive 2011-11 (Changes to Wear of the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) Items) from the Secretary of the Army
which makes the ACU patrol cap the primary duty uniform headgear for all Soldiers wearing the ACU, and changes policies on
sew on of items on the ACU, as well as identifies badges authorized for wear on the ACU. Request widest dissemination of
this Army Directive, which is effective on 14 Jun 11. Based on questions being posted concerning this policy change, a series
of FAQ are attached below. The content of that FAQ is as follows:
Clarifications Concerning Army Directive 2011-11, Changes to Wear of the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) Items, dtd 13 Jun 11.
From the Army G1 Uniform Policy Proponent, a/o 15 Jun 11.
Q: Does this change authorize non-subdued rank on the ACU Patrol Cap?
A: No. In accordance with paragraph 10, ALARACT Message 140/2007, dated 19 June 2007: “SUBDUED PIN ON OR SEWN
ALARACT which is being published to support it (same exact wording as the Army Directive) did not change that 2007
guidance, so it stands as current Army Uniform Policy. Note: We are simply publishing the supporting ALARACT so that it is
filed in the historical location Soldiers look for uniform references not yet updated in regulations.
2. Q: Many of my leaders and Soldiers have asked me how this new uniform policy applies to the OCP uniform.
Remember, the OCP uniform is only to be worn while deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Current uniform
standards with the OCP are based on our current guidance for the ACU. So, can Soldiers that fit in this category make the
changes to the OCP as can be done with the ACU’s?
A: The OCP uniform is under the umbrella of the ACU, as is the Fire Retardant ACU. Rules (deployed) still apply for that
(OCP) uniform, however, the name tape, rank, Army tape and badges sewn on optionally would not contradict that guidance.
3. Q: Can the name tape be sewn on the ACU Patrol Cap?
A: The ALARACT MESSAGE did not address the sewing of the name tape on the ACU Patrol Cap. Therefore, it is not
4. Q: The Army Directive authorizes sewing on of the Army tape, name tape, and rank on the ACU jacket. Are
these sewn on over the Velcro, or must the Velcro be removed first?
A: The name and Army tapes and rank are sewn to the uniform in the standard locations. We did not address the removal of
the hook and loop patches and do not intend to, as it would be transparent once the name tag is affixed either way.
5. Q: Which headgear is worn with cook whites?
A: Cook Whites are not under the ACU wear guidance. The beret is still the authorized headgear for that uniform.