1. Effective 15 Jan 20, this MILPER message supersedes
reference B and will expire no later than 15 Jan 21.
2. Precision Retention is designed to sustain unit readiness
and force alignment through the reenlistment and
reclassification of Soldiers. Precision Retention is broken
down into two parts:
a. Overages: This identifies Military Occupational Specialties
(MOSs) that are over strength and require reclassification
out of the MOS in order to achieve force alignment across
the Army.
b. Shortages: This identifies MOSs that are under strength
and offer Soldiers promotion opportunities and monetary
incentives for reclassification into the MOSs.
3. Part I – Overages:
a. When the Army changes structure, overages in MOSs and
skill level may occur. To reduce these overages, the U.S.
Army Human Resources Command (HRC) will restrict
reenlistment options by MOS and skill level requiring HRC
to approve the Soldier’s reenlistment option.
b. Commanders are required to ensure all Soldiers meet the
criteria for reenlistment in accordance with reference A.
When applicable, commanders must initiate a suspension
of favorable personnel actions (FLAG) or a bar to continued
service on Soldiers who fail to meet reenlistment standards.
Commanders must approve/disapprove a Soldier’s request
for reenlistment; precision retention is an administrative
action subsequent to the commander’s decision to reenlist
a Soldier. Ideally, the Army wants Soldiers in the overage
MOSs to reclassify into the shortage MOSs.
c. In an effort to facilitate force alignment, Soldiers currently
serving in an MOS listed in paragraph 3d(1) below who do
not volunteer for reclassification or reclassify through their
reenlistment option may be reclassified by HRC in
accordance with the needs of the Army.
d. Precision Retention restrictions based on a Soldier’s
MOS and skill level:
(1) The following MOS/skill levels are restricted: 12K1,
15H1, 88L1, 92L1, and 35P1/35P2 with language codes
AD, AV, and HE. All grades for MOS 35N, 35P and 35S
with Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) Y1.
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Download Army MILPER Message 16-116
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