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Army Veteran Found Guilty Of Faking PTSD

21 June 2017 – A Veteran of the U.S. Army was found guilty of making a false
statement, claiming he had PTSD from combat deployment. The man had actually
served only a little more than two years in the U.S. Army, without a single day spent

Cameo Williams Sr., 34, was discharged from the Army for misconduct. The Denver
man was receiving disability compensation from the VA for PTSD. Williams told the VA
that the Army simply made an error in not mentioning his deployment on his discharge
paperwork. However, the evidence at trial showed that not only did his personnel file
lack any evidence of a deployment, he also had never received combat pay at any
point in his Army career and had never had the necessary medical screenings and
immunizations required for a deployment.

Williams’ medical records showed him attending doctor’s appointments in Washington
state during the time he claimed to have been deployed, and two soldiers from his unit
testified that no one from that unit had deployed during the time Williams said he was

A sentencing hearing date has not yet been scheduled. Williams appeared at the trial
free on a $5,000 unsecured bond.

Williams was indicted by a federal grand jury in Denver on March 24, 2016. After
substantial litigation, his jury trial began on June 12. The jury found him guilty on

Williams faces not more than 5 years in federal prison and up to a $250,000 fine. This
case was investigated by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector
General, and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Tim Hoffman and Special
Assistant U.S. Attorney Dan Burrows.