Viper Snakes
Anything can happen when you are training in the field so you must always be aware of your surroundings
and know how to react if you or your battle buddy is bitten by a snake. Vipers, one of the two groups of
poisonous snakes, have long movable fangs. When not in use, the fangs fold back into a sheath on the roof
of the mouth. The fangs are erected when the snake strikes. Examples of vipers include the pit viper,
cottonmouth, water moccasin, rattlesnake, copperhead, fer-de-lance, Russell’s viper, Korean pit viper, and
Gaboon snakes.
The venom affects the circulatory system and destroys muscle. The following signs and symptoms usually
develop within 5 to 10 minutes and slowly spread:
• Sever pain.
• Swelling.
• Change in skin color.
After several hours, the following signs and symptoms will occur:
• Further swelling, further changes in skin color.
• Bleeding blisters.
• Numbness of the affected area.
Other signs and symptoms which may occur include:
• Weakness. ● Vomiting. ● Shortness of breath.
• Rapid pulse. ● Shock. ● Nausea. ● Sweating. First Aid For Snake Bites >>>