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Tricare Changes take effect 1 October 2015

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Changes coming to TRICARE pharmacy benefit

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. (Sept. 1, 2015) — A new law going into
effect Oct. 1, requires most TRICARE beneficiaries to get brand name
maintenance drugs from TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery or a
military pharmacy.

If beneficiaries keep using a retail pharmacy for these drugs, they will
have to pay the full cost. Active-duty service members are exempt
from the law’s requirement.

Maintenance drugs are those you take regularly for a long time, such
as drugs to control blood pressure or cholesterol. The law doesn’t
apply to drugs you take for a short time, like antibiotics, or generic
drugs. The law also doesn’t apply to beneficiaries living overseas, or
who have another insurance plan with prescription drug coverage.

“The advantage of using military pharmacies, such as the one at
Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center [RWBAHC], for TRICARE
beneficiaries is in a significant cost savings for maintenance
medications,” said Teresa Nord, the RWBAHC pharmacy chief. “At
RWBAHC, there is no co-pay for up to a 90-day supply.”

TRICARE beneficiaries can call 1-520-533-2520 to find out if their
medication is available at RWBAHC.