Military Pay 2011
Once again we are faced with the yearly debate about our military pay raise for fiscal year
2011 and once again there are lawmakers that feel that we are doing well and don’t need
higher wages to support ourselves and our families. The Obama administration has proposed
a 1.4% pay increase for members of the military while Congress has countered that with their
own proposal of 1.9% as well as a increased housing allowance for 2011. I know that the
military pay scales have drastically tipped over in our favor every year for the past ten years
but it still falls short for all of the crap and sacrifice that most service members have to endure.
Society in general is very flawed when it comes to compensating those who keep the bad guys
at bay and protect the freedoms that are enjoyed by all Citizens.
It simply does not make sense that a guy who can put a ball through a hoop earns millions
while the guy who is willing to die for his Country just goes unnoticed and easily forgotten. I was
window shopping at “the ville” just outside Camp Casey in Korea and a vendor showed me a T-
shirt that read “no one loves a Soldier till the enemy is at the gates” I found this to be very true.
Americans in general don’t fully grasp the sacrifices that are made everyday by young
Americans, this is due to the fact that the war zone is a world away and everyone goes on
without giving it a second thought. Below you can view the current and proposed pay charts for
2010 Military Basic Pay Chart – reflects 3.4% pay raise.
■2011 Proposed Military Basic Pay – reflects 1.9% Congressional proposal.
■2011 Proposed Military Basic Pay Chart – reflects 1.4% President Obama proposal.