MOS 12B Description for College Credits
Engages in vertical, road, bridge, and airfield construction and rigging, bridging, and demolition activities. Has
knowledge of the hardware and associated and software of the integrated communication system, FBCB2, which
enables real-time battlefield communications. Uses system for command, control, and information purposes.
12B Skill Level 10: Assists combat engineers, bridge, and powered-bridge specialists in performance of duties;
reads, interprets, and plots maps, overlays, and photos; assists with tactical operations; and uses hand tools and
engineering tools
12B Skill Level 20: Able to perform the duties required for Skill Level 10; assists with excavation, earth moving,
rigging, and concrete work; supervises and instructs subordinates; operates excavation and earth-moving heavy
equipment; performs rigging, concrete and masonry work
12B Skill Level 30: Able to perform the duties required for Skill Level 20; acts as a demolition expert coordinates
work teams using knowledge of location and level of charge, writes orders, and crosschecks material requirements
12B Skill Level 40: Able to perform the duties required for Skill Level 30; supervises teams of construction and
demolition personnel, prepares construction procedure schedule, serves as liaison with supported units, and plans
construction operations.
Credit Recommendation, MOS 12B Skill Level 10
Credit may be granted on the basis of an individualized assessment of the student (Check with your School).
Credit Recommendation, MOS 12B Skill Level 20
Credit may be granted on the basis of an individualized assessment of the student (Check with your College).
Credit Recommendation, MOS 12B Skill Level 30
In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in construction site analysis (lab),
3 in military science, 3 in personnel supervision, and 3 in demolitions. In the upper-division baccalaureate degree
category, 3 semester hours for field experience in management
Credit Recommendation, MOS 12B Skill Level 40
In the lower-division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in construction site analysis (lab),
3 in military science, 3 in personnel supervision, and 3 in demolitions. In the upper-division baccalaureate degree
category, 4 semester hours for field experience in management
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Indirect Fire Infantry — 13D Field Artillery Specialist — 12B Combat Engineer
Here you can find a Military friendly college near you or online and find out how many college credits
you can get for your MOS. Note: Some schools may award more credits than others so be sure to
check more than one and choose the best fit for your educational and professional goals.