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Army Tuition Assistance Program Policy

Can I continue to work on my graduate degree even though I do not have 10 years?

A. You can continue to work on your graduate degree using funds other than TA as TA cannot be used for graduate
level classes until the 10-year time requirement has been met (unless you did not use TA to earn your bachelor’s).
Soldiers who completed at least two graduate classes that began prior to 1 January 2014 have been granted a special
extension to this hold until 1 October 2014. Beginning 1 October, these Soldiers will be placed on hold if they have not
yet met their 10-year service requirement for graduate TA.

Is 10 years of service counted from the date I completed my bachelor’s or from the time I joined the Army?

The 10-year service requirement for a graduate degree is based on when you entered the Service and not on when
you completed your bachelor’s degree.

If TA only paid for one class to complete my bachelor’s degree do I still have to wait until I have 10 years in service
to start my master’s?

Yes, the 10-year window for a second degree (post-bachelor’s) TA-funded degree applies if TA paid for any portion
of your bachelor’s degree.

If I use TA to earn an associate’s degree do I have to wait 10 years to be eligible for TA?

No, the 10-year service requirement for a second degree applies to the transition from an undergraduate to a
graduate degree, not from an associate’s to a bachelor’s degree.

Will the 10-year service requirement for a second TA-funded degree be counted the same way for Active Duty and
for Reserve Component Soldiers?

The 10-year service requirement for a second degree (post-bachelor’s) will be based on a Soldier’s PEBD.

How does prior service impact the one year after AIT/WOBC/BOLC rule?

Prior service, regardless of Service, will be used to establish the one year eligibility date for Army TA. TA used while
a member of another branch of Service does not have any impact on the use of Army TA.

What determines the eligibility for meeting the one-year rule?

Eligibility for Federal TA will be based on one year of service from the completion of initial military training (AIT for
Enlisted personnel and WOBC or BOLC for Officers).

What is the impact of the FY14 TA Policy on “host nation language” courses?

Soldiers stationed OCONUS may continue to use TA for host nation language courses even if they have not yet met
the one year service requirement for TA use. No other courses may be taken until the one year service requirement is

How does prior service impact the ten year rule?

All prior service years, regardless of the military branch, will be used / counted toward the establishment of the ten
year service requirement.

How does the FY14 TA policy impact the special programs such as courses for establishing initial teacher
certification, prerequisite courses for the AMEDD Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP) and the Inter-service
Physician’s Assistant Program (IPAP), DOD Strategic Languages courses and courses for a Specialized Chaplain

All Soldiers must meet the one year after completion AIT/WOBC/BOLC requirement. Courses for the special
programs are exempt from the ten year service requirement and the applicable undergraduate/graduate semester hour

When do the Warrant Officer candidates in the high school to flight school program become eligible for TA?

The high school to Warrant Officers Flight Training (WOFT) will be eligible for TA one year after the completion of
flight school.

If GAE paid for a certificate course, will the Soldier still have to serve ten years before GAE pays for a master’s

No, the ten year service requirement is for any Soldier who had used TA for any portion of their bachelors’ degree.

If a Soldier completed a bachelor’s degree, does the ten year restriction still apply if they want
to pursue a certificate program?

No, however the number of semester hours for the certificate program will count towards the 39 semester hour
graduate limit.

What is the TA eligibility status for 09R / 09S?

Not eligible (must meet the one year after completing Initial Entry Training rule.) Note – If Soldiers have prior service
(any branch) and meet the one year after AIT/WOBC/BOLC rule, Soldiers can use TA provided they are not on any
type of ROTC Scholarship.

What is the recommended guidance for requesting TA at “flat-rate” tuition school (example: tuition cost remains
the same for 12-18 semester hours)?

The Soldier should request TA for 12 SH through GoArmyEd, take the approved Non-LOI TA Request form to the
school and then enroll for the additional SHs directly with the school. That way the Soldier will still have 4 SH to use in
the next term.

If a Soldier is under the 16 SH limit but the next enrollment would take the total above 16 SH, will TA pay for the SH
that do not go over the 16 SH limit?

No, the entire course cost must be student funded.

. I have already used 6 semester hours of TA since October. Do I have 16 more starting 1 January 2014 or only 10

If you used TA for classes that started between 1 October and 31 December 2013, those semester
hours will count towards your FY14 16 semester hour total.

Do 16 semester hours of TA-funded classes start at the beginning of the calendar year or at the beginning of the
academic year?

The 16 semester hour is based on the fiscal year, 1 October to 30 September. TA is associated with the class start
date within a fiscal year.

Can I take more than 16 semester hours a year if my classes are less than $250 per credit?

No, the credit-hour cost of your tuition will not change the 16 semester hours of TA-funded classes for which you are

Will remedial college classes count towards the 16 semester hour limit?

Yes, the semester hours used for remedial classes will count towards your 16 semester hour fiscal year total.

Will classes dropped for personal reasons count towards the 16 semester hour limit?

Yes, classes dropped after the start date in which there is a cost to the Army will count towards your 16 semester
hour fiscal year total.

Will classes dropped for military reasons count towards the 16 semester hour limit?

If you have to drop a class due to unforeseen military reasons, those semester hours will not count towards your 16
semester hour fiscal year total. Note: Military withdrawal must be approved by a Soldier’s Education Services Officer to
be valid.