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U.S. Army Early Separation to Further Education

Early Separation to Further Education
Early Separation to Further Education

Soldiers may be discharged or released from active duty for the
convenience of the Government, up to 90 days before ETS, in order
to attend a specific term at college, university, vocational school, or
technical school.

a. Soldiers serving initial enlistments of less than 3 years, members
of the ARNGUS or USAR serving on ADT, and former senior ROTC
cadets ordered to active duty because of breaches of contract are
ineligible for separation under this paragraph. See Also AR 635-200,
paragraph 5-16
Enlisted Early Separation Program

b. To qualify for early separation, eligible Soldiers must—
(1) Not be mission essential to their assigned organizations, as
determined by commanders concerned.

(2) Clearly establish that the specific school term for which they seek
early separation is academically the most opportune time for them to
begin or resume their education, and that delay of school enrollment
until normal ETS would cause undue personal hardship.

(3) Provide a statement from an appropriate school official (for
example, a registrar or director of admissions) indicating acceptance
for enrollment (without qualification or in a probationary status) in a
full-time resident course of instruction. The statement must also
reflect that the latest acceptable registration date for the school term
falls within the 90–day period preceding the Soldier’s ETS.

(4) Show that they are able to pay, or have already paid, school entry

c. The college or university must offer courses of instruction leading
to an associate, baccalaureate, or higher degree and must be
approved by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The vocational or
technical school must offer a course of instruction of no less than 3
months’ duration and must be approved by the Department of
Veterans’ Affairs. See AR 635-200 for more information about this

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