Transitional compensation for abused military Family members |
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authorized program, which provides temporary monetary payments and benefits
to dependent Family members of Service members or former Service members
who are separated from the military because of dependent-abuse offenses.
Reference 1 b explains the definition of Family member to include a dependent
child who was carried during pregnancy when the dependent-abuse offense
occurred that resulted in the separation of the former member, and who was then
born alive to the eligible spouse or former spouse.
Effective immediately, the Department of the Army authorizes payment to or on
behalf of a dependent child or children carried during pregnancy when the
dependent abuse offense occurred that resulted in the separation of the Soldier
and who was subsequently born alive to the eligible spouse or former spouse.
This policy applies to the Active Army, Army National Guard/Army National
Guard of the United States, and U.S. Army Reserve. Payments to a child or
children under this provision are effective retroactive to 2 January 2013, but will
not cover any period before the birth of the child or children. No authority exists
for payments before 2 January 2013.
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