Enlisted Promotion Projections SGT-SGM: 3rd Quarter, FY 2021
In support of the Army’s transition to NCO evaluation boards, U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is releasing quarterly promotion requirements by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and rank. These promotion requirements reflect the number of promotions by MOS, Sergeant thru Sergeant Major, needed to bring strengths to 100 percent.
These numbers do not indicate the actual number of promotions expected over the given timeframe, rather they only reflect the number of promotions required to achieve Army strengths by MOS and rank.
Promotion requirements will be updated and released quarterly. The number of actual promotions that ultimately occurs depends greatly on promotion eligibility requirements being met, to include completion of the requisite level of noncommissioned officer education, both distance learning and resident, required for the next rank.
3d Qtr, FY21 promotion requirements are provided below. These requirements reflect the number of promotions required to bring each MOS and rank to 100 percent fill. In those instances where an MOS and rank exceed 100 percent, the number shown is zero.
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