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Army Senior NCO Promotions February 2025

Senior NCO Promotion Lists

The February 2025 Senior NCO promotions list for the Active Component, USAR, and AGR HAVE BEEN RELEASED!

You can view/download the promotion orders, by name list, and sequence report from the buttons/links below. Good luck, I wish you the best as you prepare to pin on your next rank!

Attention to Orders:

The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and professional excellence of the following noncommissioned officers.

In view of these qualities and their demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to the United States Army, they are, therefore, promoted to the grade of rank shown.

Promotion is made in the MOS shown in the name line and the MOS is awarded as his or her primary MOS on the effective date of promotion. Promotion is not valid and will be revoked if the Soldier concerned is not in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion.

Acceptance of promotion constitutes acceptance of a 3-year service remaining requirement from the effective date of promotion for Soldiers selected on a FY12 or later board.

Soldiers with over 12 years AFS are required to reenlist for indefinite status if they do not have sufficient time remaining to meet this requirement, or decline promotion IAW AR 600-8-19, paragraphs 1-26 and 4-8. The authority for this promotion is AR 600-8-19, paragraph 4-7.

Additional Instructions: Soldiers promoted to Sergeant Major who do not have USASMC credit are promoted conditionally. Those Soldiers who receive a conditional promotion will be reduced and their names removed from the centralized list if they fail to meet the NCOES requirement.

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How to access and download Senior NCO Promotions Lists:

  • Below, you will see two links to view/download the current month’s promotion lists.
  • Inactive links indicate that the current Senior NCO Promotions Lists are not available or have not been released by HRC.
  • Active Links indicate that the lists have been released by HRC and are available to be viewed and/or downloaded.
  • Each link is component specific and opens a new window with the FULL PDF file to view and/or save to your device.
  • Each PDF file is consolidated with all pages and ranks included in one continuous file for simplicity.

If you want to look back at promotion lists for January 2025, Click Here!

View and/or download this month’s Senior NCO Promotion Lists:

Active Component:

AC: View/Download Senior NCO Promotion Lists (One File)

AGR-USAR Components:

AGR-USAR: View/Download Senior NCO Promotion Lists (One File)

New rank, more Cash! Your base pay and military housing allowance will increase based on your new rank and geographic location for housing.

See the 2025 Military Pay Charts >>