Enlisted Promotions Administrative Records Correction (ARC)
Answer: ETPs are no longer authorized effective 1 June 2011. IAW MILPER Message 11-233, Administrative
Records Corrections (ARC) replaced the previous ETP process. All actions dated prior to 1 June 2011 will be
processed as an ARC.
b. Question: What is an ARC and do I qualify?
Answer: IAW MILPER Message 11-233, ARCs are authorized for system errors. An ARC will not be approved for
failure of a unit/Soldier to update personnel/training records in a timely manner during the promotion cycle.
Late entries of personnel/ training data and incorrect promotion scores based on missing or inaccurate
personnel/training data do not constitute a basis for an ARC. Soldiers may be eligible for a retroactive promotion
under the ARC process if he/she would have met the HQDA promotion point cutoff score, but was flagged.
If he/she was exonerated or the case was closed favorably, provided the Soldier was otherwise qualified the ARC
will be approved. Adjustments to update or correct personnel or training records affect promotion scores forward
not retroactively.
NOTE: It is imperative that BN HR/MPD personnel input data accurately and in a timely manner. Untimely updates
or a failure to update a Soldiers records is a command issue and must be rectified within the command. All data not
reflected by the 8th of the month on the PPW will be effective the following month. ARCs due to system errors must
be fully justified, signed by the promotion authority (first LTC or above in the chain of command), and submitted by
the Soldiers BN HR or MPD to HRC, Promotions Branch,
ATTN: Junior Enlisted Promotions for approval.
The request must be emailed to:
All supporting documentation specific to the request must be attached.