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List of Army Correspondence Courses Worth Promotion Points

Army Correspondence Program
In a continuing effort to improve the enlisted semi-centralized promotion system
and to keep Soldier promotions competitive, the Army G1 has approved full Army
Correspondence Course completion for promotion points to Soldiers competing for
promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant.

About ACCP:
Military correspondence courses and computer-based training is provided through
ATRRS Self-development or Army e-Learning ( Soldiers
will be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP
training – restricted to courses completed in their entirety. The Soldier must have record
of full course completion and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided
by 5 to determine promotion points. No points will be awarded for sub-course completion.
The goal is to finish, in its entirety, a formal course of instruction, at which time the Soldier
will be granted promotion points. eMILPO allows authorized users to update and maintain
a Soldier’s ACCP, Distance Learning, and eLearning data not received from ATRRS.

ACCP Requirements:
The Soldier must have record of full course completion. Soldiers must have a certificate of

Course # ——————————- Course Title ———————————– Academic Hrs
113 Q13 Antenna Installation Course (MOS 25L ASI J2) —————————————- 65
301 D15 BASIC INTEL ANALYST(AOC 35D,MOS 350F,G,Z,35F) —————————- 39
113 M01 Cable Systems Installer/Maintainer Course (MOS 25L10) ————————– 80
052 M40 Carpentry and Masonry Specialist Course (MOS 21W) —————————– 50
805DM31 Chaplain Assistant Initial Sustainment Training Course (MOS 56M) ———– 58
052 M21 Combat Engineer Course (MOS 21B) & Bridge Crewman Course (MOS 21C) 56
052 D11 Combat Engineering Advanced Refresher Course (CMF 21) ———————- 52
052 M11 Combat Engineering Basic Refresher Course (CMF 21) MOS 21B ————– 98
031 M32 Decontamination Course ——————————————————————– 16
907 D23 Defense Distribution Management Course ——————————————— 158
907 D17 Defense Hazardous Materials/Waste Handling Course —————————– 24
052 M38 Diver General Engineering Course (MOS 21D) ————————————— 84
091LD19 Electronic Technology Course ———————————————————— 106
052 D57 Engineer Combat Support Course ——————————————————– 37
052 D55 Engineer Construction Course (MOS 21H) ——————————————— 110

———– Download the Complete ACCP List to see all Valid Courses ———————