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ALARACT Message 082/2014 AR 670-1 Effective Dates
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New Army Tattoo Policy
ALARACT Message 082/2014 AR 670-1 UPDATE March 2014

ALARACT message 082/2014 was released on 25 March 2014 and provides the following information for
changes and implementation of the revised AR 670-1:

– Soldiers must adhere to new grooming standards within 7 days from the release of AR 670‐1.
– Soldiers must initiate removal of unauthorized dental ornamentation within 60 days from the release of
AR 670‐1.

– Soldiers must adhere to all other jewelry standards upon release of AR 670‐1.
Download ALARACT Message 082/2014

– Currently serving Soldiers are prohibited from obtaining new tattoos that do not meet the criteria upon
release of AR 670‐1.

– Enlisted Soldiers selected before 1 July 2014 by selection boards or other selection processes for officer
accession programs are also grandfathered to the previously published tattoo/branding policy.

– Commanders of active duty Soldiers must complete tattoo validation memos (with photos as enclosures) for
all assigned Soldiers within 30 days upon release of AR 670‐1.

– Soldiers must comply with the requirement to sew on the name tape, u.s. army tape, and grade insignia when
badges are sewn on (the combat uniform) no later than 7 days upon release of DA PAM 670‐1.

There is more information about these changes so be sure to read the full official ALARACT Message and
share the information with your Soldiers.

Download ALARACT Message 082/2014  — See also –> Updated AR 670-1 Slides

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