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Updated Army Regulation 601-280 Army Retention Program

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SUMMARY of CHANGE for AR 601–280 Army Retention Program
This major revision, dated 1 April 2016-

o Adds responsibilities of the senior Army career counselor (para 2-3a(2)).

o Adds responsibilities of the command career counselors (para 2-6o).

o Updates enlisted retention control points (table 3-1).

o Adds additional waivable disqualifications for immediate reenlistments (para 3-9).

o Clarifies permanent disqualifications for reenlistment at any time (para 3-9e).

o Updates processing channels for waivers of reenlistment criteria (para 3-10).

o Authorizes retention bonuses to be paid for training into critical military
occupational specialties (chap 5).

o Implements phaseout of the Bonus Extension and Retraining Program (chap 6).

o Adds additional criteria for mandatory bars to reenlistment (para 8-4e).

o Expands the career counseling system to 11 required interviews (table C-1).

o Adds bar to reenlistment procedures (app K).

o Adds instructions for completing DD Form 4 (Enlistment/Reenlistment
Document-Armed Forces of the United States) (app L).

o Incorporates Army Directive 2012-03, Army Retention Initiatives (hereby
superseded), and Army Directive 2014-03, Retention Control Points (hereby
superseded) (throughout).

Download Army Regulation 601-280 Army Retention Control Program