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Army Reenlistment for Prior Service Members


The Prior Service Business Rules acts as a guide for Soldiers who are interested
in reenlisting in the regular Army. The rules generally outline when and how a
Soldier can reenlist, and which MOSs are available.

The current Prior Service Business Rules went into effect on 05 April 2017.
Please visit this page periodically for more updates.

1) Effective immediately, PS enlistments in all skill levels, to include Service
Members from Sister Services applying for the Blue to Green (B2G) Program,
are restricted by critical MOS according to these rules. Reductions in pay grade
will NOT be considered, no exceptions.

2) GNPS in pay grades E-1 thru E-4 who have not completed MOS training are
not restricted to the rules. GNPS with 179 days or less of Active Federal Service
(AFS), to include zero days on Active Duty (AD) are considered GNPS.

For example:

a. Separated from a Reserve Component (RC) and did not ship to Initial Active
Duty Training (IADT).

b. Separated from a RC and completed BCT but did not complete MOS training.

c. Separated from any component of the Armed Forces with 179 days or less of
AFS and did NOT complete MOS training.

d. Disenrolled Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) who are NOT ordered
to Active Duty.

3) All PS and GNPS reservations must be pulled by the ROC. Temporary
reservations are not authorized. Special care must be taken to ensure PS and
GNPS records are built with the correct days of prior military service, MOS (if
applicable), military history, etc.

4) This policy DOES NOT affect Soldiers who are removed from the Temporary
Disability Retirement List (TDRL). All Soldiers removed from TDRL will have a
formal electronic grade determination completed IAW AR 601-210, Chapter 5-51f.

5) The rules will be updated periodically by HRC.

a. Applicants in grade E-5 and above must submit a formal electronic request for
grade determination to CG, USAREC IAW with AR 601-210, Chapter 3-16.

b. If the applicant is MOS qualified in a MOS listed for his/her pay grade in
paragraph 7a or 7c; approval will be granted in his/her grade in current PMOS,
provided the applicant is otherwise qualified and meet NCOES requirements for
enlistment grade.

c. GCs must ensure applicants who indicate Family member(s) who may fall
under the Exceptional Family Membership Program (EFMP) are identified to the
ROC prior to a reservation being pulled.

d. Applicants in pay grade E-4 and above who hold MOS 12D, CMF 18, 31D, 35L,
37F, 38B, 42R, 42S, 46Q, 46R, and 89D can request an exception to the rules.
Send exception request thru GCRc as a grade determination. Exceptions are not
always favorably considered.

e. Applicants who hold MOS 15S, 15T, or 15U in grades E-5 and below, who have
completed the assessment and selected for assignment to the 160th Special
Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) are authorized to enlist. Must submit a
formal electronic request for grade determination to CG, USAREC for final
approving authority.

6) If an applicant does not hold the grade and MOS that has an open vacancy
listed in paragraph 7a or 7c, and there are no retraining vacancies in current
grade listed in paragraph 7b, request for grade determination for the purpose of
enlistment will not be favorably considered.

7) Accession date for PS/GNPS who enlist for primary option 18 (First Assignment
Only) will be determined by the ROC. Once the objectives/ requirements have
been met by MOS and grade, that MOS and grade will be suspended. The
following vacancies are available provided the applicant is otherwise qualified and
meet NCOES requirements for enlistment grade.

a. Vacancies by grade and MOS (changes based on the needs of the Army):

(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 – all Army MOSs are eligible for enlistment with the
exception of the following: 09L, 12W, 13T, 15J, 15S, 89D, 92S, 94Y, or 35P (with
language code HE, PG, SC, TH, or UR).

(2) Grade E-5 – 12B, 12C, 12T, 13B, 13F, 13M, 13P, 14E, 14H, 14T, 19D, 19K,
29E, 35G, 35P (with language codes JN, RU, TA), 35T, 46Q, 46R, 68B, 68C, 68L,
68U, 68Y, 88M, 91A, 91L, 91M, 91P, 92G, 92R,or 92W.

(3) Grade E-6 – 12B, 12C, 12D, 12M, 12T, 12Y, CMF 14, 15E,15Q, 15U, 15W,
25E, 31K, 35F, 35G, 35P with language code RU only, 68A, 68B, 68C, 68M, 68S,
68X, 91A, or 91P.

b. If no vacancy exists, the following MOS will be used for retraining (changes
based on the needs of the Army):

(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 – 13F, 14E, 14G, 14H, 18X, 19D, or 19K.

(2) Grades E-5 – 13F, 13M, 13R, 14E, 14H, 14P, 18X, 19D, 19K, or 91A.

(3) Grades E-6 – CMF 14.

c. The following vacancies by grade and MOS are available if already Airborne

(1) Grades E-1 thru E-4 – 11B, 11C, 12B, 13B, 13F, 15W, 19D, 25B, 25N, 25Q,
25S, 25U, 35F, 35G, 35M, 42A, 68W, 88M, 91B, 91D, 92A, 92F, 92G, 92R, 92Y.
Those who are not MOS qualified are authorized Option 3 Training into one of
these MOS’s.

(2) Grade E-5 – 27D, 35G, 89B, 92W, and 92Y.

(3) Grades E-6 and above – no vacancies.

d. Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with 48 months or less AFS are
authorized to enlist Option 3 (Training of Choice) or Option 18 (First Assignment
Only) (if MOS qualified) to serve in a targeted MOS as identified by the ROC.
Applicants in the grade of E-4 and below with more than 48 months AFS are
required to meet all other PS parameters outlined in this message.

8) PS Accession Branch, EEPD will decide grade determination for all applicants
who require one as follows:

a. Applicant must enlist in the Delayed Status (DS) within 14 days of final
grade determination. He/she must understand that the vacancies constantly
change; if the grade determination expires prior to enlisting into the DS, it could
be subject to disapproval.

b. If an applicant does not hold the grade and MOS that has an open vacancy
listed in paragraph 7a or 7c and there are no retraining vacancies in current
grade listed in paragraph 7b, he/she will not be granted accession.

9) If a renegotiation is approved the Soldier may enlist under current rules or the
rules in effect at time of entry in the DS.

10) Applicants who hold an Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) may request an ETP
without regards to the listed MOS vacancies in paragraph 7a. Not all ETPs are
favorably considered.

11) Applicants who are proficient in a language, as evidenced by DLPT results
of 2/2 or higher, will also be considered ETPs and may be qualified for 35P
ACASP. Language ability must not have been obtained by DLI attendance.
Languages that will be considered are Arabic (any dialect) and Pashtu.
Applicants that have approved ETPs must successfully complete 35P AIT.
BCT may also be required IAW AR 601-210.

12) UM 17-014 has been rescinded.

13) References:

a. AR 601-210, Regular Army and Reserve Components Enlistment Program,
dated 31 August 2016.

b. UR 601-210, Enlistment and Accessions Processing, dated 31 March 2016.

c. DA Memorandum, Prior Service Accessions Business Rules for Grade
Determinations, dated 31 March 2017.

d. UM 15-055, Operation Blue to Green Enlistment Program, dated 28 September

See Also 2017 Military Pay Charts >>>