Enlisted Qualitative Service Program (QSP)
1. Effective April 1, 2012 the Army will employ the enlisted Qualitative Service Program (QSP) to identify NCOs for
involuntary early separation from active duty. The QSP consists of a series of centralized enlisted selection board
processes designed to support the Army Leader Development Strategy (ALDS) and to retain the highest quality NCOs who
display the greatest potential for continued service while satisfying mandated force structure requirements.
2. Selection for involuntary early separation is based on an NCO’s performance of duty and potential for future
contributions and will be done in accordance with the specific criteria established in each board’s respective Memorandum
of Instruction. These board processes enable continued service decisions in support of enlisted administrative separation
policies outlined in AR 635-200. The three board processes are:
a. Qualitative Management Program (QMP) Board. IAW AR 635-200, Chapter 19, the QMP board considers Senior
NCOs (E7 through E9) for denial of continued service whose performance, conduct, and/or potential for advancement may
not meet Army standards.
b. Over-Strength Qualitative Service Program (OS-QSP) Board. IAW AR 635- 200, paragraph 16-7, the OS-QSP
board will consider NCOs (E6 through E9) for denial of continued service in select MOSs/skill levels where the 12-month
operating strength projections exceed 100% (as determined by the Director, Enlisted Personnel Management Division
(EPMD), US Army Human Resources Command (USAHRC)). When otherwise qualified, staff sergeants selected for denial
of continued service by the OS-QSP board may seek voluntary reclassification into a shortage MOS. Reclassification must
be initiated and approved within 30 days with a school start date within six months or separation orders will be issued.
c. Promotion Stagnation Qualitative Service Program (PS-QSP) Board. IAW AR 635-200, paragraph 16-7, the
PS-QSP board will consider NCOs (E6 through E9)
for denial of continued service who are in select MOSs/skill levels where promotion stagnation exists at NCO levels within
an MOS (as determined by Director, EPMD, USAHRC). Promotion stagnation is defined as when an MOS’s promotion
timing objectives (promotion pin-on rates, measured in years of service) exceed the desired Army average. When
otherwise qualified, staff sergeants selected for denial of continued service by the PS-QSP board may seek voluntary
reclassification into a shortage MOS. Reclassification must be initiated and approved within 30 days with a school start
date within six months or separation orders will be issued.
3. Specific board processes, applicability, and selection criteria will follow under separate cover by the DCS, G-1. When
necessary, the OS-QSP and PS-QSP boards will be formally announced by message and held in conjunction with regularly
scheduled centralized enlisted promotion selection boards.
4. This initiative stems from an ongoing Army effort to review personnel policies to align the force by MOS and skill level,
achieve mandated end-strength requirements, ensure application of the ALDS, and to retain Soldiers with the greatest
potential for future contributions.
5. POC for this action is Mr. Gerald J. Purcell, Personnel Policy Integrator, Enlisted Career Systems Division, Directorate of
Military Personnel Management, DCS, G-1, Commercial: 703 695-7960, or email: Gerald.Purcell@ conus.army.mil.